воскресенье, 12 октября 2008 г.

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CNN.com made me mad today. Copied from a myspace bulletin post:

This is starting to smell.

Sarah Palin must have known the inquiry into her abuse of power in the firing of her former brother in law was going to come back negative because talk on her end of the table has changed on the campaign trail. What is the new issue? Abortion -- Something we know she opposes, but has been trying to keep under wraps as make herself seem as middle of the road as possible to her Joe Sixpacks and Hockey Moms. Abortion. That tried and true polarizing issue that is the catalyst of millions of wasted hours of circular arguing between left and right, Christians and non-believers, men and women. She dedicated 10 minutes of her 30 minute speech yesterday attacking Obama on his abortion views in a further attempt to whip already-raging-mad McCain supporters into a frenzy.

Heres a thought: Whats the best way to get conservative Americans fighting mad, oblivious and on your side? Claim that you can and will repeal Roe v. Wade should you "have the honor and priviledge of being elected." Anyone want to name the last president to woo the religious right with this tactic? (Ill give you a hint, heapos;s in office right now.) I was one who believed this nonsensical lie in 2000, and Palin and McCain are pulling it right ouf of the Bush playbook. I voted for Bush in 2000 mainly on his anti-abortion stance. I am adopted, and this issue is very personal for me. As soon as the election was over, Bush didnt drop the ball on the abortion issue, he chucked it on the roof and went inside for a beer. Nothing he promised was done, and I got burned by voting, idiotically I might add, for a candidate based on a single solitary issue -- even if it was the one most important to me. He may be stupid, but he got me with the rhetoric. That or his speechwriter did. Balls.

Here we are, 2008. The econonmy is in shambles, the war is still churning years since "mission accomplished," Iran wants us all dead, along with most of the middle east, and we are getting bombarded with the same desperate attempts for our votes. Same plays, different year. As if McPalin hasnt already been a stunning asault on the senses, they continue to pander to the masses, hoping Americans are as Joe Sixpack as they think we are.

Im not that stupid, Sarah. Never in a million years should you be close to the presidency. You can deny the findings all you want and call them partisan, but they were bipartisan and you know it. You pressured that man out of a job because he wouldnt fire your ex-brother in law. Your bridge to nowhere was a waste, and you had a big part in it. You got caught and you are a liar. Now you want to stir our emotions over abortion to get our eyes and ears off your collosal fuck up. Well you can go straight to hell for that.

Next subject.

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