воскресенье, 12 октября 2008 г.


You know, i really should be more mature at this stage, but i really canapos;t get over the pair of shoes that OUR DEAR NIGEL lost. First of all it was one of my absolute favourite pairs- i once walked all the way home from the expo in them and didnapos;t get a single blister. It also cost a bomb, and was absolutely gorgeous. Youapos;d think shopping for a new pair would make me feel better somehow, but nooo it only makes me angry. I never thought, growing up, that iapos;d end up such a shoe person, but i am. But also, all the shoes in the uk SUCK. I have seen ZILCH pretty shoes, and about a gazillion with the petronas twin towers as heels. I have never lost anything in my life, apart from losing a card on a train once, and undoubtedly its because i hate getting into situations like this. Allright, its just a pair of shoes, move on, right? soo, soo wrong.

friend son, aascan, aascans, aascap.

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