вторник, 21 октября 2008 г.

black diamond cheese

She refers to a phenomenon of moviegoing which I have called certification. Nowadays when a person lives somewhere, in a neighborhood, the place is not certified for him. More than likely he will live there sadly and the emptiness which is inside him will expand until it evacuates the entire neighborhood. But if he sees a movie which shows his very neighborhood, it becomes possible for him to live, for a time at least, as a person who is Somewhere and not Anywhere.
- Walker Percy, The Moviegoer

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понедельник, 20 октября 2008 г.

area middle sault school

I pulled my Franklin book off the shelf and am reminded of his wisdom. Anyone for dueling Frankin quotes?

Against Obama: "He that lives upon hope will die fasting."

For McCain: "Well done is better than well said."

For Both: "If you would not be forgotten as soon as you are dead and rotten, either write something worth reading or do things worth the writing."

Against Obama: "Remember not only to say the right thing in the right place, but far more difficult still, to leave unsaid the wrong thing at the tempting moment."
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atlanta builder pool

...even though youapos;re never on LJ and wonapos;t see this.
Still love you, bb.

Lololol what else is today?
John Krasinskiapos;s birthday.

Iapos;ll keep a count of how many times I claim it as a religious holiday today. :]

As in, "But itapos;s John Krasinskiapos;s birthday today, I canapos;t do homework. Why? Itapos;s a religious holiday, damnit, thatapos;s why."

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воскресенье, 19 октября 2008 г.

crepitance in both knees


You know, for a movie I missed the first twenty minutes of and only payed half of my attention to thereafter, Bridge to Terabithia somehow managed to make me BAW MY FUCKING GODDAMN EYES OUT.



... At least it wasnapos;t cancer or a car crash. They were original and realistic about it. But still. Fucking BAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAW TT.TT ... And now weapos;ve moved from bawwing to outright sobbing. FUCK YOU YOU FUCKING MOVIE. THIS IS NOT WHAT I SIGNED ON FOR. I WANTED CUTE LITTLE KIDS BEING�FRIENDS�AND�POSSIBLY CRUSHING ON EACH OTHER WITH�SOME�SORT�OF�FANTASY�OR�MAGIC�REALISM�THROWN�IN, NOT THIS ANGSTFEST. *yes still bawwing and prolly going to be bawwing for a while fucking movie*

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esca clapham

Why is it that I find it so hard to be content with the world? I filled an empty void that harbored a grip in my soul with a new found addiction. His name is not up for discussion. The rest of this will just be a rampage of emotion. Itapos;s the only ONLY way I know how to put the past behind me, and try for the life of me to move on after 204 days full of angst, fury, and tears that never seem to end. And so it begins...
I remember the first day I laid eyes on you. I was in my stockroom putting up shipment, and you were waiting by my desk. I walked by you and tried not to let my jaw drop. You were what I call "gorgeous". I told you hello. Thatapos;s all I could come up with to say to you. You had me tongue-tied. Iapos;ve never been that way before. I was excited to have a new person come in and work for a week. You liked me from the start, and I as did I. We had a connection that could not be ignored. I had a boyfriend, and you had a girlfriend back home. We clicked on so many different things. The last day you came across the hall where I was just to tell me bye and give me a hug. I didnapos;t want you to leave. I found a new friend for once in my life, and you had to go back to LA. You left me your number back in the office. I put it to good use. We became texting buddies. Then you came back. You came back one night, and I was ecstatic. I ran and gave you the biggest hug I think I had ever given anyone. You stayed in town for a week, and I snuck around every day to see you. My boyfriend hated you. He hated that you were in town. We went to dinner one night, and you asked me every night to come back to your hotel. I couldnapos;t give in. When you left, I cried my eyes out for a week. I was so sad that someone I had grown so close to had left me. All the good ones leave me. You fought inside not to kiss me goodbye when I left you that Saturday afternoon. Nothing in me wanted you to leave. I wanted my boyfriend to disappear so I could have you. We still casually texted, until I called you one night in February crying my eyes out.
I got your voicemail, and I could not bring myself to leave you one. I thought in my head that of course the time when I needed someone, no one was there. I went home, laid in bed and cried my eyes out. I rolled over when I got a text from you. We texted for hours that night. I told you all about what happened. About me breaking up with Chris, what he did, how much I missed you, and my conspiracy to escape down to LA to see you. I wanted to see you so bad. You were the only one I could think of through this whole mess. You kept telling me how much you liked me. How much you wanted to be with me. How much you wanted to kiss me when you were in town. How much you wished I would sneak away to LA. My plan worked. I went down to Vburg, and I finally saw you again.
That day was perfect. I ran up to your car, and I could not stop smiling. Nothing could stop me from smiling. I finally saw you, and I knew you wanted me. I hugged you so tight. I did not want to get back in Lilyapos;s car for those short 5 minutes. I wanted o be with you, in your arms, kissing those amazing lips. I got my chance. I finally kissed you. You finally held me in your arms. I spent the whole night in your arms just kissing you as I never wanted that night to end. Morning came, and you had to get back to LA. I was sad to see you go, but I saw you again in a week. This time I went to LA and stayed with you. The memories are all to vivid. We watched TV all night as you just held me in your arms. We took a nap, and wound up fooling around in the bed. I thought for sure this could be something. After I left that next day, I went back to Vburg, and all I wanted to do was cry. I didnapos;t know when I would see you next. I missed you. I wanted to be with you so bad. I wanted to call you my own. But of course distance would tear us apart. I came back a month later. This time was different. I stayed with you for two nights. I met all your amazing friends. We went out to Library. Had some drinks, did some bars, and screwed. I left April 6th never to see you again.
I think about that everyday. We talked over some texts a few times over the next month, but you faded. You started ignoring my texts. You didnapos;t even seem to care. You took what you wanted and fled. You hurt me. You hurt me more than any person ever possibly could. I hate you for that. I hate that I have cried at least 50 times over the fact that you took something I can NEVER get back. Itapos;s not that you took that away from me. Itapos;s the fact that you did it the way you did. I thought you cared about me. I thought you liked me. You always told me how much you liked me and cared about me. All you were doing was lying to me to get me to sleep with you. I made the biggest mistake of my life, and I live with that everyday. I hate you. I hate you more than anything else on this planet. Fuck you. Fuck you and everything you are. You are a piece of filth. You have made me cry more tears than I thought was possible. I always told myself I would never cry this much over a guy, but 204 days later and I still am. Iapos;m crying as I write this. You took a piece of me that I held so dear to my heart. It is so hard for me not to just drive down to LA and beat the shit out of you because that is what you deserve. You made me feel like a piece of ass because to you that is all I am. I am something you get pleasure out of then you crumble up and throw away. You crumbled my heart into a thousand pieces. I thought we had something, but now all I know are lies. You are a worthless person in my eyes. Itapos;s not like you care or anything. I cannot believe anyone could do this to another person. Iapos;ve thought about it every night for 204 straight nights. Every little thing reminds me of you. A white tahoe, a LA license plate, journeys, lucky hoodies, baseball, My Name is Jonas, Guitar Hero, popcorn chicken from Sonic, even Little Miss Sunshine. I hate you. I fucking hate you. But somehow by the grace of God, I forgive you. I forgive what you did, but I refuse to ever let you get away with it. If by some way we see each other again, know that you will have hell to pay. Maybe the saying "karma is a bitch" really is true in some cases. I just want you to know how much you have hurt someone. Someone that cared about you despite all your flaws. Someone who wanted you. Someone who cared about everything that had to do with you. Someone who wanted to be with you despite the fact that I might get caught. I fell for every single one of your tricks, and I feel so ashamed. I have never regretted anything until this. I didnapos;t regret it at first, but now I do. I cannot believe the whole situation. I just want to stop thinking about it, but no matter what I do, it just comes back. Fuck you. Fuck you and everything you are.
Iapos;ve wanted to say that to your face for 204 days. I hope youapos;re happy. Know that I forgive you, but I donapos;t care about you. I hope you get what you deserve you piece of scum.
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пятница, 17 октября 2008 г.


So I got my posting to army and itapos;s the 3rd of December. Iapos;m kinda past the phase where I was in 1. Utter disbelief 2. Totally disgusted with army 3. Extremely disappointed at not being able to go for prom and buy new clothes 4. Numbed 5. Regretting that Iapos;m fat.

Now I�just wanna get over with it. Stop thinking about it. Maybe when I come out Iapos;ll be skinny or whatever. Haha. My only gripe now is the ticket for prom. Itapos;s so expensive ><. Maybe Iapos;ll get my bro to go and then ask him to help me collect the lucky draw prize lol.

Mmm. I�must be a good boy, and I must remain cheerfully optimistic despite the circumstances. And I�feel horribly ashamed of myself for being so whiny. Especially sorry to Cornelius, whom I�started ranting to non-stop. Haha maybe itapos;s because I know he doesnapos;t really like army either and also because heapos;s the only one whoapos;d understand. I mean, I�have a mum who goes, "youapos;re going in early as punishment for being fat" and a brother who goes, "fatty pig, go army early HAHA" and itapos;s kinda mean. Itapos;s like. I KNOW, DAMN IT. As if I wasnapos;t feeling miserable enough.

Truth is, I might seem confident about myself, about my weight and everything, but somehow I do know that Iapos;ve always longed to be slimmer (no need taller haha). Itapos;s nice having to wear a belt once in a while just to show how I actually need one. But my big fat butt just gets in the way so I donapos;t even need a belt lol.

But I�refuse to give in to such foolish thoughts. Iapos;m me. JOSHUAA. I�may not be handsome, I�may not be hot, and I�may be the fattest bum on earth (actually no, Iapos;m just exaggerating), but hopefully�I was able to make someone smile, somehow. Then perhaps that makes up for all my physical deficiencies. And yet itapos;d be nice if people actually reassure me once in a while to tell me not to care about what I�look and that they love me for who I�am inside (which is quite rotten actually, but Iapos;m sure thereapos;s at least one thing good about me on the inside)

Oh crap. Iapos;m making myself feel emo as I type this and I actually want to cry haha. But I�will stop typing about such stuff so that I�donapos;t cry. I cry too much already (yes yes Iapos;m a wimp) but thatapos;s about the only way I�can deal with stress/emotional hurt/boredom.

So.. JOSHUA YOU WILL BE HAPPY YOU WILL BE NICE TO PEOPLE AND YOU WILL LOVE THOSE WHO DONapos;T LOVE YOU Yupp Iapos;ll try. Even if itapos;s hard sometimes, Iapos;ll try.

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четверг, 16 октября 2008 г.

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Thundered through my six hour shift, class and therapy. Now Iapos;m sitting and taking some breathing time before kicking into some mad homework.

Therapy today was actually really enlightening. I talked about what I posted Tuesday morning a bit. Youapos;re not getting any more than that Iapos;m afraid, except that I was kicked onto a conclusive path regarding several of the things I mentioned. That should be enough ^^;

Now, SOD midterm and some ICW shit. :D
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среда, 15 октября 2008 г.

ballards estate agents henley

Hey, everyone, just wanted to know that I�havenapos;t forgotten to post the other parts to my series of Planes, Trains And Automobiles.� Iapos;ve been bogged down with school, and still suffering from insomnia.� I havenapos;t felt well, and been sleeping a lot more than I�should be...
As it becomes autumn here in Arizona, Iapos;m reminded why I�hate the end months of the year.� Snowbirds =_=apos;
apos;nuff said...

So, as I�type this because Facebook and MySpace seem to hate my schoolapos;s internet connection, I canapos;t help but think of next year.� Whatapos;s happening next year?
Well, by this time next year, I�plan on moving to Seattle and working at Microsoft.
No, this wonapos;t be some other Twilight expedition, though, most of my friends and relatives will be visiting for that reason @.@"

Iapos;ll be happy... See something other than brown dirt ALL�year round, why yapos;all think Iapos;m happy when it rains here?
Seattle = 30+ inches of rain per year <3

Iapos;ve also scoped out cons in the area, and pretty much set.

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вторник, 14 октября 2008 г.

cranston manor download

With halloween just around the corner, i was hoping to make a spooky mask. I have a yard of a silver/blue merle like color fur, and some scraps of white and black.

I already have a dog mask, and was hoping to get some ideas on more animals.

Has anyone seen a successful vulture mask? I was hoping to make the illusion that my neck was longer, maybe with some extra fur and foam down the front of the neck. I didnapos;t want to perch the head on top of me like a hat. Maybe i could use his nostrils as eyes?

Anyone else have any possible ideas?

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